Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pretty, Pretty, Princess

This post is long overdue, but I was waiting for Jason to upload the pictures and then I needed to find time to write the post. Time is very hard to come by these days for Jason and I. During the month of August, Grace went through this phase where she would only wear dresses. It was the cutest thing because she would pick out the dress and I would put it on her. Next, she would run to the family room and then twirl in her dress and sit down and primp it. It provided my mom and I with a lot of entertainment.

The picture below shows Grace in a dress my mom picked up at Big Lots one day. When she woke up from her nap she found in laying on top of the ottoman. She immediately asked to wear it so I had to give in.

The dress below is actually my old dress from when I was Grace's age. She picked this one out one day and she absolutely loved it. I will have to find the picture of myself wearing it to compare in a future post.

This dress is from Grandma Gina. I received it as a shower gift before Grace was even born. She seemed to love the length of this dress. We also put little clips in her hair so she could have Princess hair.

This is just a picture of Grace being silly. She ran into the office one day and climbed in the chair and started to pretend she was using the computer just like her Daddy. She has such a great sense of humor!